Tourist-eye views

Photography brings distant places near, yet the challenge is to capture the experience through image alone.  I share these little squares of color to describe my experience of wide distance, dusty haze, and furnace-dry temperatures of 106° or more.  Life is surprisingly abundant in this unforgiving alien landscape.  Mesquite trees in bloom attract bees, flies, and tarantula wasps.  Yes, tarantulas have something to fear, and I was glad to learn beforehand how carefully I needed to respect it.  The tarantula wasp or tarantula hawk is huge and beautiful with its metallic blue body and bright orange wings, but it has one of the most painful stings known to humans.  Forewarned (thanks to a ranger at the visitor center who was getting video of them) meant I was very cautious in getting photos of my own when I encountered them in the wild. (See below for more Tarantula Hawk images)

I also visited the cactus garden at the Ethel M. Chocolate Factory.  This beautiful garden feels otherworldly even with the paved walkways and gentle music from hidden speakers.  The heat was still oppressive despite the shade from numerous trees. The images capture the color and fantastic shapes but fail to show the wilting heat and the slight respite of dappled shade.  So, I share what I can through the joy and beauty that images can provide and wish you peace.

Tarantula Hawk aka Tarantula Wasp

Tarantula Hawk / Tarantula Wasp

Tarantula Hawk/Tarantula Wasp